Quilting, UFO Completion

UFO Update September

Eeek! Where has the time gone! I want to say that I’m over here killing it and knocking out all kinds of UFOs and there are a lot of pictures so get ready.

That would be a lie. I haven’t done anything on those UFO’s.

Why not? That’s a great question. The shop has been a bit on the busy side. We have had more folks express interest in our beginning longarm class (yay!) as well as quilters bringing in quilts that need quilting or repairing. Combine all of that with kids going back to school and adjusting to our new schedules and we kinda scratch the surface.

No complaints though – I love that we are getting to meet some new quilters at the shop as well as seeing the beautiful tops that we are being trusted with to bring out their beauty.

But still, why not? We have talked about the whole motivation factor before. Sometimes we just don’t have it in us to do it. Sometimes there are other things that are taking precedence where we can’t get things done. There is no real point in trying to cram in everything, sometimes there just is no time. It really is okay to take a step back and take care of those things that are demanding our attention. Thankfully for me, we are settling down into that schedule and I will be able to get back to those UFO’s very soon. I was really excited to finish off those flower wall hangings. Momentum even carried me into a UFO that I have seriously procrastinated starting (is it really a UFO if it hasn’t been started? I think intent matters here). That is the Safehaven block of the month from Thimbleberries. You can take a peek at it here. Yeah, yeah, I know it says it’s from 2000….I’ve had the kit for a while and at first is was really intimidating so I kept putting it off. Once I finished floral wallhangings, I took another look at it. Turns out that it isn’t as scary as I remembered and I have 2 blocks completed. My debate now is whether or not to go ahead and applique the circles now or wait until more blocks are completed as well as the debate of which applique method to use. I’m really leaning toward a lightweight fusible and then stitching around them as it seems that will be the quickest method for me and this project has waited long enough.

Don’t worry though, I’ve got a hand applique project (or two) still waiting in the wings. Once upon a time Char and I thought it would be great to do a P3 Designs pattern as she has done an aboslutely gorgeous Halloween Baltimore Album quilt. Seriously. If you haven’t seen it you should click here. If you like that one, you should check out the rest of her available patterns. This lady is seriously talented and her work is beautiful. Of course now that it’s getting close to spooky season, I almost want to dig this one out and see if I can nudge it along a little more.

Hmmm. It almost feels like motivation is starting to visit. Maybe I should take advantage of that while I can.

Happy Quilting!

UFO Completion

Moving in to March

It’s time for our monthly UFO check in! How are you coming with yours? I am still plugging along and will be really happy to get this one off my list of things to do! You may remember me talking about this one in previous posts….it is a flower of the month series with fabric designed by Ro Gregg and patterns by Nancy Mahoney. I might have that backwards, but that is where I am going to stay. These came in kits with instructions and are from 2008….yes, 2008. I thought it would be easy to do one kit a month. After all they are small and while not terribly simple, they are not overly complicated. Trouble was that I was still working a full time office job, had a baby that October, and we were running the shop in the evenings and weekends. What time? What was I thinking? At the very least I did make it in to my local quilt shop and picked up each of the kits and have had them waiting. Because if you have one you should have them all! Right? You are with me on that right? Well, I thought it would be nice to hang and be able to change out each month. I’m much closer to that goal now!

Since they are a flower of the month, there are 12 kits. I had thought I was being smart and gathered those kits and read the instructions and got all the fabrics cut so I could work on them at retreats. Then Covid and no retreats. The fabric was still cut and waiting for me….but I now have to read everything again to make sure I’m doing the right thing. It slows my process down a little bit. In February I pulled them out thinking, great! This is a big project to get completed and I can wait to move this off my list or at least move it into the queue for quilting!

I’m lumping them all together rather than thinking of them individually because I really just want to get them done and it has been a long time. At the beginning of the month I had 4 of them ready to be quilted and one ready to be bound. But (of course) I added in an extra step. The fabric cuts for these kits were very generous so I kinda added a layer of difficulty. There was also a panel that went along with these fabrics and patterns. Of course I picked one up and kept it with all of the mini kits. With the cuts being so generous, I have enough fabric to complete an extra center block to put with the panel. Curious about the panel? You can find it here. I will say I did not realize that it was for stitchery and I thought it was something to be colored….either way, I have it.

In February I was able to finish 5 of the tops and have one more partially complete with the last one waiting in the wings. Even though I should be moving on to something else, I am going to stay with this one and get those last two finished. Most of the UFO’s on my list for March were new things to start (like kits I’ve had waiting or patterns I’ve matched up with fabric to create) and rather than cutting something new and creating a whole new UFO, I think I would be better off this month to finish these lovelies and look at the the UFO’s I didn’t get finished in January and February to see if I can finish up anything else like that cardinal cross stitch….. Progress is progress right? It sure is!

So, here are the ones that I did get ready this month….I didn’t worry about photographing the second center blocks because they are just going into another UFO. Originally I had thought that I would border the panel with these blocks, but now I am not so sure. It might be something that I scrap entirely or use the center blocks in some type of setting and incorporate the panel into the backing. I think that will need to percolate a little while longer before I make a final decision. Here are 3 of them….Lily of the Valley, Narcissus, and Cosmos.

The last are Cosmos (again), Aster and Rose. The last two to complete are Daffodil (which is almost complete) and Chrysanthemum. I might have miscut things on the Rose as I had to piece together some things and the green in there is not the green from the kit….I can’t seem to find that so I either lost it (most likely) or never had it (unlikely).

I wish I had more to show and I really was on track to get those last two completed but I got a little confused on some of the instructions. I should also admit that I fell down a rabbit hole with my kids as we have been playing a lot of Minecraft…I know…it’s a video game. However, they are now asking me to play with them and we can all hang out together while doing it and that is important. Since we are all playing together, it’s kind of like working on a group project and we can talk about ways to work together in a group which is another great lesson to learn. They can take the lead on most of the game because they know more than I do (for now) and can do things more quickly than I can (for now). But they are learning that we each have our own skill set and for them I am the Queen of Resources. Whenever we go adventuring I always make sure I have extra food, supplies, whatever needed for all of us which has come in handy many times. One of them is very good setting up farming and taking care of animals while the other is good at trailblazing so the rest of us have an easier path to follow. They still need to work on communication and not being bossy, but we will get there and hopefully have some fun while we are doing it. It has cut into my sewing time a bit, and I’m okay with that because I’m not sure how long this will last and I am starting to look forward to this time with them and being a part of their world.

If you are not terribly familiar with Minecraft…it’s too much to explain here, but I will say that it has the most convoluted series of tasks that you have to complete in order to battle the final foe (or Ender Dragon) that I have seen. However, battling the final foe is not a necessary goal of the game and one could spend an inordinate amount of time creating and crafting and building in their world.

Anyway, I think I am now off to google some Minecraft quilts to get some inspriation as that just might have to be a thing for Christmas…..maybe a wall hanging for their rooms with their favorite things from the game.

Happy quilting and we hope that you are also making progress on your UFO’s! I’m hoping that I will have those flowers complete and ready for quilting by the end of this month and who knows what else I will be able to accomplish!

Happy Quilting!

UFO Completion

Happy February!

Since it’s the first of the month, let’s talk about those UFO’s shall we? In case you were wondering, I did complete the latch hook complete with rug binding. Just don’t look too closely at the binding. That part is not really done well and I am thinking that at some point I will need to redo that binding.

Ta-Da! It has also been given to my son where it graced his floor immediately. One done only about a million to go (or so it feels). It is time to move on to February! One of the projects that came up was a project I bought from a quilt guild garage sale. In case your guild hasn’t done one of these, it’s pretty freeform. They set aside one of the meetings to do this once the business portion is complete. You can bring in items you wish to get rid of and sell them. So there are usually books, kits, fabric, notions, really just kind of anything. You get a little cash with the added bonus of getting rid of things you don’t like or didn’t work for you.

I came home with this:

Look at all the batik! And then it sat because that pattern looked hard. However, I have now done my own similar mandala without the fancy pieced block in the middle and figured why not! Since it’s number cam up, I should at least get it out and see what’s what.

Lots of precut strips so I can make more strata. Not necessarily my colors, but it still has some potential.

There are a good amount of wedges cut and just waiting to be sewn together. So, I figured my first step was to press everything and take it one step at a time.

Some leftovers that I can use in other things – bonus!

I thought it would be easiest to just do the things that were obvious and so I have sewn the wedges together and pinned it to what I think was intended for the background of the mandala. There are not any strips cut from the brown so that is my best guess. It doesn’t look too bad on there, but it does feel a little blendy to me. The more I look at it the more it grows on me and I’m not complaning. After all this was a quilter yardsale item I probably got for $10 or less and it’s all batiks!

If you are not familiar – this set of strips sewn together is referred to as strata. Althought maybe it should be stratum….I of course had to go look things up just to make sure that I really was using the correct terminology (Stratum: one of a series of layers, levels, or gradations in an ordered system). Either way, I started to work making my own strata and got my first couple of wedges cut. All should be good in the wood, right? Spoiler alert…there was Trouble with a capital T. Take a good look at the picture below.

Did you take a good look? Do you see what I see? I bet you do. It’s fairly obvious. The two wedges to the right are the ones that I added. You can see that things start out looking pretty good, and my strips are all in the the correct order but something has gone awry. I measured my seam allowance on the back and her seam allowance and we were both at 1/4″. The cutting was already done so that was all done by the same person. All I can really think is that it is the differences in our machines somehow….If you have suggestions or know what could be going on, please drop a comment.

I am not comfortable going on with this project as there will be a very obvious shift and I’m pretty sure that even if I shift up a little, things are not going to line up well although I am willing to give that a shot next. Thinking I could pin at each seam intersection, but I’m not certain that will be enough to bring our wedges into alingment.

So, then what? We punt. It’s pointless to put it back in the box as I will still have the same issues the next time I try to work on it. At this point, I am thinking that I will take the wedges apart and kinda flip flop them so they are more of a straight line. I think that brown might make a nice sash of somesort and I could turn this into more of a table runner without having to cut more wedges. The rest of the strips and strata that has already been cut will most likely be used up in smaller projects like table runners and mug rugs that will end up on our Etsy store. No guarantees, I might be able to figure out what is going on, but I’m not going to invest a ton more time in trying to make it work. My goal is to complete something with it and if that ends up not being the pattern it arrived with, then so be it. Fingers crossed something works!

This was also on my list…omg, it’s almost done. Can anyone explain to me why I didn’t finish it? No? Me neither. What it is lacking is the outlining stitching in black. Yep. That’s it. No, it’s not very big so what do I do with it?

Here you can see what the finished project looks like. There is not much outlining at all and I have the instructions and materials to finish out the framing of this. I’m thinking this will not take very long at all and my other son has a love of cardinals so I will pass it along to him, if he likes it.

I have some other things on my various UFO lists that I may get a chance to work on depending on how these two things finish out. One of those is to practice crocheting with crochet thread. It’s not something that I have worked with very much. I did attempt a snowflake ornament a while ago, but the smaller hook sizing feels different to me and there are different weights of cotton thread. So, I have been sitting and practicing my tension and soon I will try the little snowflakes again to see if I can raise my comfort level. I’m not sure I want to try anything larger than an ornament at this time, but maybe that will be something I can look forward to once I gain some proficiency.

How are things going with your UFO’s? I did get my sewing area mostly cleaned up….I really should finish clearing my ironing board (although I do need to get a new cover for that…) and my cutting space. It’s just little stuff that I need to find homes for and I have procrastinated about that a bit… That’s okay though, It will all get done eventually. *fingers crossed*

Hopefully you are also making progress on your UFO’s or whatever project you are working on.


So, what do we do at the shop anyway?

How are you doing with your Ufo’s this week? We will just keep our updates/pictures to the first week of the month so that we aren’t going on and on and on about them, but I will say we are still making progress!

We thought we would take a little time and talk about the shop today. Some of you may be new to us or maybe you have a shop like ours in your area! We are not your typical quilt shop. We do not carry fabric or notions or batting. What we do have are 3 quilting machines. Two are considered mid-arm length and one is a true long arm. We teach long arm quilting on our machines and rent time on them so that you can quilt your own projects.

There is a class that we require you take to learn how to use our machines before you are eligible to rent time on them, but that benefits both of us. You get a chance to see what all happens on a long arm and learn if that is something that you will enjoy. We get to show you the ropes so that you can be successful and not damage the machines. It’s a win-win!

We also do long arm machine quilting for others as well as quilts on commission (such as t-shirt quilts). If you are cleaning out grandma’s house and find unfinished projects we can help get those completed as well as some repair work on quilts you may have in your home. T-shirt quilts are very popular both for kids heading off to college and as memorials to loved ones lost. Our machines are not computer guided so we (or you!) are doing the quilting.

It really is a fairly simple business – and we welcome questions and people stopping in to talk and learn. We certainly aren’t perfect quilters, and we are constantly learning new things ourselves, but we try our best.

If you have been wanting to learn how to use a long-arm or quilt your own quilt, stop in and see us! If we aren’t local to you, check your area to see if there is a shop that offers similar services. You might be surprised!

If you are new to the scene for long arm quilting I would tell you this. It isn’t for everyone. That sounds mean doesn’t it? I don’t mean it that way. If you get a chance to take a class using a long arm (and I don’t mean the 5 minutes you spend at a quilt show driving a floor model), take that opportunity. You will learn a lot about quilting. No, your machine quilting won’t be perfect the first time using the machine and it’s a different process from hand quilting and quilting on your domestic sewing machine. However, it’s not really about perfection. That comes with time and practice. It’s about the process. Is it a process you enjoy? Is it something that you can see yourself getting creative and relaxing into? It is something that you feel comfortable doing? Those are the things you should think about. It won’t be perfect the first time and that’s okay! If it ends up being something that you do not enjoy, that is also okay! There are lots of times that we think we should like something, but when we actually try we may find out that we don’t. Taking a class is a much smaller investment than buying a machine and we recommend that whoeheartedly!

That being said, I feel like everyone should try it. You never know what you will enjoy (or be good at) until you take that step. So why not?

If you have any questions about our shop or what we do here, please feel free to send us a message or leave us a comment and we will be happy to answer! If you are local to us and just want someone to talk to about quilting stop in and say hi!

Quilting, UFO Completion

Time for New Beginnings Draws Near!

I know, we still need to make a decision about the sashing. What could be taking us so long? Well, holiday season. Don’t get us wrong, we love the holidays! Right now things just get a little crazy with everyone trying to get gifts completed on time. With the pandemic, people have been sewing and getting tops done and trying to get those caught up as well. This just makes things a little busier at the shop and we don’t always get back to our own projects.

That being said, New Year’s is one of my favorites. You may have have seen posts about it before, but I do like to talk about it. The New Year is a great symbol for new beginnings. It creates an opportunity for a new start, and don’t we always love a chance for a new start?

How will you use yours? Create a new UFO list to work through? Maybe get all the supplies for the new hobby you have been itching to try? Maybe fix the things that you didn’t get to this year? It’s prime time to make a list, get your thoughts in order, or even start getting the items so you can make a great start! Maybe you are on track to finish up the last things from this year list. If so, great job! If not, remember that we all do the best we can.

What will we do? Well, I’m not sure we need any new hobbies (although I did pick up a tatting shuttle…..I’ve been a little curious about how that works.), so we will probably be making a UFO list. If that is your jam, be sure to check out American Patchwork and Quilting – they have a UFO group on Facebook where you can share your work. But be forewarned….It may cause you to add projects to your list….. You can’t say we didn’t warn you. The last time I filled out multiple copies of their list. Basically, you list your projects 1-12 and each month they draw a number and you work on that project. Can you fudge it? Sure. It’s more of a fun and encouraging way to work through those UFO’s rather than a place of set rules.

Are you looking forward to the New Year and do you make special plans around it? We would love to hear about it! Finishing some UFO’s? We would love to help you if we can (especially the quilt related ones!). Leave us a comment here, or on Facebook! If learning how to use a long arm quilt machine is one of the things on your list, January is a great time to come in for a class!

Happy Holidays!

Quilting, Uncategorized

It’s Time for Sashing!

I bet you thought that we forgot about our ever-so-patiently-waiting Jacob’s Ladder blocks. It is time to do something with them!

When last we left them we had our 3 trouble maker blocks flagged so we knew what we were dealing with. Now is the time to make the decisions for what to do with these blocks. The end goal for this quilt is to have a bit of a sampler at the shop to showcase some different quilting ideas to show customers when talking about how to quilt their quilt (either by us or by them). With 15 blocks at our disposal, we have the opportunity to show many different kinds of quilting and it will probably take us a little while to get the quilting portion completed as we will need to think about this quilt a little differently.

Because of how we intend to use the quilt, I felt we needed to be careful with what kind of setting was used. There is a great book for setting if you are interested – it is called Great Sets by Sharyn Craig. I may have mentioned it before, but you can find it here. She showcases lots of different ways to set your quilt and some of them incorporate a secondary design. I recommend this book for the inspiration it may give you when it comes to setting your quilt blocks.

But back to Jacob. I am opting to do a border around each block. It is a setting we often use for t-shirt quilts and it lets us use 2 colors for sashing (which is great to incorporate high school/college colors) and this will also solve the issue for our trouble blocks. I do not want to attempt a straight sashing where I will be trying to make sure things are lining up correctly and where the 3 lovelies will show how they are different. No matter how I try, they will look off because I will need to make their sashing strips slightly wider/longer to ensure that they fit with the rest of the blocks. It is true that I could cut down the rest of the blocks to the smallest size, and typically that is what we do, but I am afraid that I will lose some of my block definition if I give the rest of them a hair cut. I am not looking for perfection, I am looking for done and creating something usable.

Before I get too much farther, this may very well be a longer post and fairly picture heavy. I also hope that you will leave us some comments on the various fabric options that are on the table. Please note, that these are not necessarily the exact fabrics I would use, but to audition some different options. Maybe I’ll even talk about some options you would never have thought about!

But first, it’s good to know exactly what kind of layout I’m talking about – so here is a picture of a t-shirt quilt we completed and it is sashed as I plan to sash the Jacob’s Ladder Blocks.`

You can see in the picture above how each shirt is bordered in either blue or gold and then set in an alternating layout. Darker shirts put with gold to brighten them and lighter shirts with blue to help them pop and not get lost in the gold. Blue shirts put with gold so they don’t get lost in the sashing. Just little things to think about, but I’m sure you get the idea. This will be the layout for this quilt.

As we already talked about, with this setting I can make everything a uniform size easily and our trouble maker blocks shouldn’t stand out too much. It also will let us treat each block as a bordered mini quilt to showcase different types of quilting for a shop sampler.

However, finding the fabric to balance everything without turning it into something crazy is going to be a challenge. Never fear! I took some chances and now we can look at some different options! I know it’s not really fair to say that it would be this style of fabric but not this exact fabric, but some are ear marked for other projects and some there may not be enough of to do the job.

Let’s Dig In!

Here are our first two options – a dark and a light….tone on tone…pretty traditional. The dark is a dark dark grey/black and really lets the colors of the blocks shine. The gold lets the scrappy block shine through but it muffles the brown/gold of reproduction fabrics block. While they look okay, the color combination might not be the best and I don’t feel much when I look at it. It’s okay, but I think we can do better.

This time I grabbed a nontraditional type of fabric to go with the black – a lovely blue watery stripe. I initially thought that the gold was not what I was looking for while the black was okay. Since the blue is a directional print, I would need to be sure that I cut the fabric the correct orientation which means more tricky math. However, I don’t hate it. I’m not sure that it is paired well with the black, but I don’t hate the blue. We tend to think of our sashing as needing to be plain most of the time. However, we are going to challenge that a little bit. I hope.

I thought I would look to see how that stripe looked on the other direction as well as how it paired up with the gold. I grabbed two different blocks for each audition so that they would all get to play and so that we could have things like this to talk about. It’s a great illustration for how the blue block gets lost in the blue fabric and how the blue strip makes the pink/white block really pop while it looks boring on gold. I’m not hating this combination, but I need to think through a little more on stripe orientation if I choose a stripey fabric.

I know, we are totally taking this train off the rails. Why can’t we use a busy print? We can. Is it right for this quilt? Maybe. Maybe not. You can easily see that the busy floral fights with block made up of busy prints. However, for the calmer tonal block, it works fine. My eye drifts right to the block without dwelling too much on the busy sashing fabric. My eye also skate over the gold fabric and right to the tonal block because that floral is successfully framing it. While I don’t love it, it certainly does give me some options that I might not have thought about before. I think it is important to note that the busy print is not so effective for the block with busy prints. Having a busy print is fine and it looks like these blocks would need a calmer option as well to really be effective.

Egads! What did I do! If one is good, more must be better, right? Maybe not. Putting these two lovely prints do work with each other, but not so much with the blocks. The green leafy print is absolutely eating the orange and green block. When flipped, the green and orange block is not faring much better with the floral. If there were a calm option, the green and orange block would be begging to land there. Sometimes more is not better, but we never know until we try. Auditioning fabric can be so important!

Well, what happens if we choose a calmer print? Let’s bring back our blue watery stripe. It looks okay with the green leafy print and it doesn’t fight much with the tan/red/green block. The blue and print block gets absorbed by our stripe and doesn’t seem too bad with the green leafy print. Hmm. I was kind of liking this combo to start with.

Let’s get our gold back out and see how it looks with our leafy green print. While they aren’t fighting much with the blocks, I don’t feel like this combination is really adding any interest to the quilt. Both of these blocks are easily seen on either fabric, but it just feels boring.

Here is our last block and since there was only one left, it got to lay over our black and leafy green. This is not a bad combination either. The green obviously won’t be the right fabric for all of the blocks while the black is calm enough that it can handle any of the blocks.

So, there you have it! There are 8 different pairings above. I’m still feeling partial to the blue stripe. Which one was your favorite? Hopefully this will help you look at sashing fabrics a little differently. I like my sashing to unify things and this is definitely a scrappy quilt so some unification is necessary.

Please drop us a comment here or on our Facebook page to let us know which are your favorites! I’m not completely sold on any of our combinations, but am finding some of them to be interesting. Leaving us a comment just might be what we need to narrow things down a bit. You never know, the choices you suggest just might just end up in our quilt!

Happy Quilting!


Time to Tweak it a Little.

Hopefully we can now get back to our regularly scheduled posting habits!

We will certainly pick up where we left off with our Jacob’s Ladder blocks, but that will have to wait until next time. They are all sitting patiently waiting until it is their turn.

We also fell down a bit on UFO stuff. That’s okay too. I’m sure that we have all realized over the last year or so that sometimes life happens and we have to shift our priorities to take care of those things that are necessary. Hopefully you are all making UFO progress in some form or another.

Maybe you are like me, constantly tweaking your sewing area because some new idea has taken hold and surely that idea will make my crafting area just that much better! To that effect, I recently acquired a 6ft workbench. I have been wanting one where I could keep my Cricut and embroidery machine (because we can never have too many hobbies right?) sitting out and at the ready on a sturdy surface where I can use them. (Or perhaps learn to use them better that I do currently…) Previously they were sitting on flat surfaces where I would need to move them to actually use them. Now I have some storage under the bench and need to get a shelf or two for above the bench and that area should be all good. At least until I get the urge to start changing things up again.

It took a little rearranging to have the space for the workbench. Which prompted me to really clean out my book and pattern cabinet. Since it has doors on it, I can cram a bunch of stuff in there and close the doors. Out of sight, out of mind. I had to unload it to move it, and took that as an opportunity to really evaluate what I have in there. I was also able to repurpose some cubes and a stand to other parts of the house.

For the record, I have binders where I place my individual paper patterns in slip sleeves. I also keep block of the month patterns together in another binder. I have torn apart magazines to just keep the patterns I like and those are in another. If you are looking for ways to store your patterns, this had really worked well for me. I can just take the whole slip sheet out and put it with the materials for a project and I can keep papers with all of my notes for that project in that slip sheet as well. If you are a super organized person, you could even sort by type of pattern (applique, paper piecing, etc.) or designer, or theme, or however you work best. I know, actual binders are expensive, but often Goodwill has a few.

I ended up going through all of those binders. Well, there are 4. And all of my books. And then my magazines (which were totally over flowing my magazine file holders). I discovered that I have come quite a way on my quilting journey and that there are many books and patterns that I have outgrown, purchased on a whim, or was saving for later that I can really let go.

Can you believe that I had two laundry baskets full? I was a little surprised. My books and patterns all fit nicely on the shelves now and I can see how much my tastes have changed as I have grown as a quilter. Does it hurt that I spent money on all of these items that I don’t need anymore? No. Chances are that we have all spent money on things that ended up not being a good idea. Maybe it was a duplicate, maybe it broke right away, or maybe it just didn’t work out the way you thought it would. It’s okay. The things I am removing from my crafting space are all things that brought me joy at one time. They provided me some inspiration for projects or even the instructions for the project itself. They helped to move me forward on my quilting journey. These items have served their purpose and by letting them go, another quilter can find their inspiration and continue on their quilting journey.

Maybe you have some of those types of things in your crafting area. Things that you bought once upon a time and they have become things that you won’t use any more. Maybe you even feel guilty when you see them in your sewing room. Remember that you have options. Check with your friends and see if they would like to trade items with you. Or list them for sale and see if you can get a little cash for them. Don’t let those items continue to hang out. Use them to make charity items, donate to your guild, or gift a quilter that may need a pick me up. By moving these items out of your creative space, you will feel freer and your may find that your creativity jumps a notch or two without that guilt weighing you down. It’s easy to get caught up on the financial aspect – but these items have served their purpose for you and it’s time to move them on. I’m still finding things that I need to move along. Life is ever changing and we just continue to adapt.

Hopefully you continue to tweak your crafting area to make it more serviceable for you. It seems like that can be a never ending project, and it some ways it is. Sometimes we have to move it all around and find the way that works best for us.

Happy Quilting!


Make Time for a Little Self Care

I know, we were supposed to get back to those Jacob’s Ladder blocks. I had a little trouble getting back to them this week so I am not any further along with regard to choosing sashing fabric and getting them sashed. Don’t worry, I am still working on it and we should be able to post about them next Monday!

In the meantime, I thought we could talk about some self care. No, not the mental kind. The physical kind. It’s very easy to get into a groove and spend a lot of time sitting at our machines. Suddenly the day goes by and we have spent the day mostly sitting. I think we all know that this isn’t very good for us. Sometimes getting up to the ironing board feels like an interruption (or maybe that is just me?) and I’m sure there are many of us that keep a smaller table close to us so we don’t have to get up and move to the ironing board or cutting table because we can iron or trim right where we are.

This is not a good idea.

I’m sure we are all aware that sitting too long can lead to DVT (or deep vein thrombosis), and if we aren’t we should be. I’m not going to go into a story about how it happened to me (it hasn’t) or to my cousin’s roommate’s sister’s aunt (I have no idea but I’m betting that it hasn’t). The truth is that while we are spending our time sitting at the machine for hours without getting up isn’t a good thing. Sure, you might have your station all set up so that you don’t have to get up unless you need to use the bathroom and it’s super fantastic and you can’t imagine why on earth anyone would want to interrupt the flow by having to get up and move. Our health is a big reason why we should.

It’s not all about a possible DVT. Check your posture as you sit at your machine. Are you hunched over? Shoulders or back hurt? How is your chair? Do your hips ache and maybe your knees? Is your sewing machine too high or too low? Does that put strain on your neck? What about your eyes, do they feel strained?

It’s certainly not feasible for everyone to go out and get new desks and chairs. However, there are still some things that we can do to help ourselves.

First – ditch the use of that super convenient pressing/trimming space. Not for the end of time, but reserve it for projects where you really might (might!) need it like paper piecing or miniatures. If your ironing board and cutting table are across the room (in front of a window maybe?) you will have to get up and move that body. If you are like me, and can put your ironing board or cutting table in front of a window, it can be distracting to stand there a little longer and watch traffic or birds or maybe other wildlife.

Second- set a timer. Anything is better than nothing so set it for something your are comfortable with (but hopefully at least one time during the course of an hour) When that timer goes off, stop what you are doing and stretch. Walk a lap around the house. Switch loads of laundry. Check on dinner that you put in the crock pot. Go through the mail (no, not email…). Stretch. Stretch your hands, your neck, your back. Maybe get on the treadmill for 10 minutes. Go get something to drink. I know it feels like you are breaking your mojo. I know there’s a chance that you might find something else that grabs your attention and prevents you from going back to sew. However, when you do come back after a short time away, you should feel more refreshed and energized. Plus it is better for your body.

Third – make it a habit. Make it a habit to not chain yourself to your machine. Make the habit to get up and move from time to time. One trip to your ironing board doesn’t count. Move away from your station and clear your mind. If you need to, make notes about your project so you remember the tricky bits when you come back to it.

It always feels so good to have a good chunk of time or a full day to craft! We just need to remember that a little self care can go a long way.

Do you have things that work for you to help keep you moving rather than sitting? Please feel free to share in the comments below or on our Facebook page! Idea of crock pot or easy dinners appeal to you but you need some ideas? Check us out on Pinterest for some ideas!


A New Year and New Beginnings!

Ahhhh…..can you smell it?  The lush promise of a new beginning.  It’s my favorite time on the calendar.  Not weather wise, I really don’t care much for the ice and snow.  I just really enjoy the potential of a new beginning.  It’s like when the school supplies come out in the fall and there are all those empty notebooks that are just begging to be written in.  I love that feeling.  New Year’s has the same effect for me.  So much promise.  A chance to start everything over.

To that end, I think it’s time to start getting my personal sewing room in order and I think the best way to that is to start clearing those projects that are UFO’s.  If you are like me you probably have quite a few that peek out at you wishing that they could be completed.  This year, I am going to complete one UFO a month.  That should give me a great start on getting some things cleared out of my sewing room and perhaps let me downsize some of my storage containers.  I will admit that I have well over 12 UFO’s.  I won’t admit to exactly how many I have (mainly because I don’t know for sure) but it is well over 12.  Maybe, if I can catch some momentum I can get more than 1 completed a month but I don’t want to get ahead of myself.  After all, I might be pushing it on this goal.

Would you like to join me?  Feel free to post a picture in the comments of your completed UFO for the month!  Considering it’s the time of new beginnings we are looking to keep this blog more up to date – so look for new updates weekly!

Todays’ Tip – Permission.  I don’t know if I have talked about this at all or not, but I would like to say a word about permission.  Sometimes we get it into our minds that there is something that we can’t do or that we can’t do well.  We see it fairly often at the shop when customers are first learning how to use the long-arm.  When we are faced with trying something new, we can get easily overwhelmed and believe that we aren’t going to be successful.  Perhaps what we are attempting is overwhelming or we may have had a bad experience when we tried it before.  Somehow we get it into our mind that we won’t be able to do this thing well (paper piecing and appliqué come immediately to mind).  That’s where permission comes in.  We need to give ourselves permission – permission to have fun, to fail, to try.  If it doesn’t go well, it’s okay you may still have had fun and learned something new.  However, if we don’t give ourselves permission we may never try.  Give yourself the chance to at least try.



Finding the Time

Sorry for the shortness of yesterday’s post – it was getting late and I wanted to be sure that I kept up with the challenge.  Are you working on your own 21 day challenge?  How is it going for you?

Today I would like to talk about Finding Time.  Time is so elusive isn’t it?  Maybe you are able to sit down and sew on a daily basis.  I wish that was the case for me.  However, it seems like there are too many other things pulling me in different directions and so Finding Time is a bit harder.  We always see the jokes about how quilters (or sometimes crafters in general) get so lost in their projects that they don’t come out for basic household duties.  I also hear my friends say similar things, “Once I’m in my sewing room I’m not coming out”.  I have 2 small children and that luxury is no longer mine.  I try to squeeze in some sewing while the smallest is napping (he’s 2 so this napping thing won’t be going on for a whole heck of a lot longer).  The older is in school which means I have to take him and pick him up.  Plus that time where the one is at school and the other one is napping is really a nice time to enjoy a hot cup of coffee.  However, I’ve taken to try to be a speedster when nap time comes and I run to get laundry in, eat lunch, pick up a bit, maybe run the sweeper, make sure the crock pot is going strong or whatever needs to be thawed has made it out of the freezer, and then head up to my sewing room.  Unfortunately it feels like it all ends too soon when I have to quit to get the small one up from his nap and get him out the door so we aren’t late to pick up the bigger one.

I have found that I can accomplish more than I originally thought I could in the small amount of time I get to be in my room undisturbed.  First I turn on Netflix so I can resume whatever show I had started before and I get to work.  Maybe because I’ve got an 2 hours at most I am more focused on what I need to do and I’m not spending time wandering around my room trying to decided what to do next or putting this or that away.  (Surely I’m not the only one who gets a little side tracked in their rooms….thinking about rearranging or reorganizing or maybe even reconnecting with a UFO or two.)  Now, I go in with a purpose which is to accomplish whatever small goal I have set for myself.  Sometimes I even exceed that goal.  Maybe it’s getting some blocks trimmed up and getting started on a layout.  Maybe it’s getting all the fabric for the project pressed and ready for cutting.  It might even be certain sections of block assembly.

Please don’t think that because I’m going in with a purpose that quilting has lost its fun.  It has been quite the opposite.  I find that I am enjoying it more because I am accomplishing more, slowly but surely.  Spending an hour or two in my room a few days a week means that I keep getting that much closer to finishing a project.  The small goals I set and achieve help to keep me moving forward. This is very important because it gives me the momentum to continue.  With that momentum I can accomplish anything.  After all, it’s kept me coming back to update this blog daily to make this challenge successful.  If you haven’t started your own 21 day challenge, you may want to consider it.  The challenge doesn’t have to affect anything major in your life, it could be something as simple as getting out of bed 15 minutes earlier or doing one load of laundry a day.

Today’s Tip – If you are having difficulty Finding the Time to work on the things you enjoy, try to set small goals for yourself that you can easily accomplish.  Trust me, the momentum will carry you forward but you have to Make the Time to get in there, even if it’s only for 15 minutes.